Tuesday, May 06, 2008 @ 3:23 PM
a new addition :) thanks mummy!

i know its a rather old book. but its max lucado books are like gems. the age doesnt matter.
you know, i experienced something freaky yet cool today.
ok. i was in school today and i was just thinking abt this somebody. i know he is in TP too cause i saw him in this TP tee shirt on one saturday before but have not ever seen him in school.
so i went to the bookshop to get some materials for the making of my mother's day card. browsing and looking through, while i turned to look at who is beside me, i saw him there and i nearly got the shock of my life.
well.. this is freaky because i dont know the guy at all.. simply saw him while he was serving in his ministry.. ok.. he aint cute at all.. and i dont know why would i even think about him..
i shall end off with this sweet phrase i saw,
"whatever you do, i will always be two steps behind"